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_ism_ t1_j7pl664 wrote

I live roughly in the area you mention. I don't see the abandoned places when I go about my daily errands. I feel pretty safe in my neighborhood. Yes, it's not pretty, quite a few trailer parks and lower income homes, but that doesn't really mean much. I see kids playing outside daily, cars slow down for them, lots of folks walking to the parks and corner stores, just normal shit. I don't feel unsafe


ChewML t1_j7pm946 wrote

I grew up north of chestnut and west of kansas. Lived in a couple places in that area. Sure I rode my bike around and felt safe enough. That was 20 years ago, and I was around a lot of stuff that I didn't realize how bad it actually was. I can't imagine it is any better now. A lot of the kids I grew up with are in jail or have smoked themselves retarded.


HalfADozenOfAnother t1_j7pqkyj wrote

West of bypass South of chestnut are some of the best value neighborhoods in Springfield IMO. Especially if you'd prefer to be in Willard or republic district but still remain Springfield


headbangin1 t1_j7pvone wrote

My last rental was over there. Lots of transients. Things were stolen off my porch constantly! People cutting through my back yard and just general tweaker activity. I moved as quickly as I could.

However, I will say that the neighbors were all tweakers and most of that foot traffic was because of them. They were selling drugs out of the house, so I can't speak for that ENTIRE area.


notnotpegbundy t1_j7py5wo wrote

Love around there. Our street is quiet. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


GeorgeBird0457 t1_j7q23ze wrote

Lived by West Bypass and Nichols for a little bit about 4 years ago. And then off Page and Scenic for a bit before that. It was fine. Quiet for the most part. Had one crazy neighbor but they were the exception not the norm.


xxGalaxyGiraffexx t1_j7q50az wrote

I use to live off of mt Vernon and scenic and it wasnā€™t terrible for the neighborhood. I think there were a few shootings and a murder down the street though but thatā€™s kind of normal for anywhere in Springfield honestly. As a single woman I never felt unsafe and my neighbor was nice. I also lived off Atlantic and Kansas a few years ago and there was a drive by shooting in front of our house and I think our house was hit and I definitely felt unsafe there. Not to mention there was always strange people walking around and looking into houses.


SharksForArms t1_j7qcui3 wrote

I work in housing and my old company had an apartment complex in that area. Storage shed was broken into too many time too count.

I think my favorite was when they planted a bunch of flowers to improve curb appeal and they were all stolen by the next day.


ChocolateGautama3 t1_j7qdzya wrote

I have loved living where I am off of mt vernon but we did hear 8 gunshots last night on my street and cops came out to find shell casings right by my door. Before that had zero problems other than a couple of neighbors that don't keep up on maintenance


trystina t1_j7r3qz0 wrote

I live in this area and it is nice for pricing. There is yelling and such outside sometimes but I used to live in north Springfield like Kearney and national area and heard gunshots and such often over there. Never had any problems with crime or break ins or theft either location other than homeless people breaking in and sleeping in our garage with a broken door


hihellohi765 t1_j7s019m wrote

I live in a culdesac north of Mt. Vernon and South of chestnut and west of bypass. I've been here for like 12 years. My street is usually fairly quiet. Every once in a while a bad renter moved in. Not great, but never been robbed or anything like that. Wouldn't just go for a walk after like 11 but that's about it.


off_the_wa11 t1_j7s3eqh wrote

We are north of the Westside betterment community ball park and south of Mt vernon. Been here for 8 years and we've had our share of unwelcome guests, but it has gotten much more livable in the last year. We have that ~one neighbor~ who is textbook tweaker, but that's better than the 5-6 neighbors we used to have matching that description. It is definitely on the upswing but not completely immune.


Restelly-Quist t1_j7t28td wrote

I live just south of Mt Vernon and it is fine. Our next door neighbors have people coming and going all hours, and one time some teens tried to break into our house. But for $650 for a 2 bedroom with an amazing yard, Iā€™ll take it.


brainkandy87 t1_j7t4bsp wrote

Avoid. I live west of bypass, south of Chesnut like OP mentioned and itā€™s great. However, East of Bypass is not a great area. Old, tiny houses with underserved neighborhoods. Thereā€™s also been several shootings in that area between ā€œgangsā€ (I use that term very, very loosely. Itā€™s more like idiot teenagers who think they are in gangs.).


MatDom4KnkyYngr t1_j7tfu4p wrote

Just to help you keep your sense of direction while in Bako Mt Vernon runs north and south. Your description ( ā€œjust north of Mt Vernon streetā€). makes me very you might be thinking it runs East and west. Hope this helps.


MatDom4KnkyYngr t1_j7w6wvh wrote

My bad. For some reason I thought you had just moved to Bakersfield CA. Apologies.


chachihime t1_j8fo1f9 wrote

I recently moved from this area, but lived there for six years. I was just off chestnut and college. It was mostly quiet and safe. A lot of the usual critters around - this could have had a lot to do with how my yard was though. Some houses are new (less than 5 years old) some are like 100 years old. Biggest fuss in the neighborhood was from one house which was later condemned, renovated and sold to quiet people. There were a few other houses that I believe were condemned and, as far as I know, remain boarded up. That greatly decreased the amount of addicts I saw walking down the street. The power went out at least once a year, it was much more frequent when we first moved in though.

Conversely, had some friends who lived further west near Chestnut and 44 in a place where all the houses are newer (maybe around 10 years old?) and it was super quiet and safe there. No condemned houses and very little outside foot traffic. And they seemed to not experience as many outages as we did. They lived there for around four years I think.

Edited to add: also had a friend live right near the elementary school on Mt. Vernon, off bypass and it was really chill over there. Sometimes Iā€™d go on walks from my house to that area (they have more sidewalks) and see kids riding bikes and walking home. Very quiet and seemed safe as well.