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You_Ate_The_Bones t1_j7jlf8v wrote

This is rhetoric. The hotel of terror doesn’t fit in the City’s vision for daylighting/naturalizing the creek. Bear in mind, this project should actually be called “man-made creek” because that’s all it is going to create; ever since the creek was channelized and tunneled, the water table dropped beneath the surface and the creek only appears during storm water floods. But sure, spend millions for making a man made creek.

The City is going to spend +$40 million on this project. Anybody with neighboring property is going to see their property double in value. The project will revolutionize the image of downtown. Hotel of Terror does not fit into that image. The options for municipalities to get rid of unfavorable land uses: pay market value…or claim some street/city improvement and condemn. The latter is the cheaper.

I hope we get 1 more Halloween season with hotel of terror. I’ve never been, but it’s a Springfield staple.