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Big-Weed t1_j7bnvzs wrote

If every apartment manager was to evict every person that smokes weed in their apartment or cigs on their balcony, then the homeless population would increase by 10,000% within 60 days. Just rent a house or better yet buy one and have fewer low rent neighbors.


SweetSewerRat t1_j7cb2wu wrote

"just rent a house" bruh they said financially, moving is possibly not in the cards.


garcia_later t1_j7e2xm7 wrote

Then put up with neighbors like the rest of us. Start smoking more weed than them. Be positive. OP you CAN get higher than your neighbor!


Cold417 t1_j7bt0cy wrote

A better idea would be to have a smoking-designated building so that those people could enjoy the company of each other without disturbing other tenants.


Big-Weed t1_j7c52gi wrote

They already try that and people will do it anyway. Never underestimate the lack of impulse control of the LCD of apartment dwellers.
