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OmniFella t1_j76yfzy wrote

Tell me you had a sheltered life without telling me you had a sheltered life. Poor guy probably didn’t ever see the blue sky until his teens. The closest thing to an OD on pot is choking to death on a Snickers.


CetiCeltic t1_j77lshn wrote

Or eating too many pork rinds when the cottonmouth suddenly sets in and you feel 98% of the moisture leave your mouth and you almost choke trying to chug enough water to fix it...

Hypothetically... 😂


indiefab t1_j7877jn wrote

He knows exactly what he's saying. Its called fear mongering.


wkuace t1_j79bjqq wrote

Judging by my brother's experience, when od'ing on pot brownies you wake your mom up at midnight and ask to crawl in bed with her and sleep all weekend. Then the story is told at every family gathering until the end of time.


Motor_Composer5999 t1_j79slvb wrote

It’s a good one!!! 🤣The brownies!! That was back in the day, we all have some brownie stories!! Thankfully less heavy options now, I think I became comatose😂


Highplowp t1_j791oq8 wrote

I OD’d once, fell asleep and woke up refreshed. It was mildly terrifying. Never again, until next time.


Training_Highlight69 t1_j78mn09 wrote

I actually have a friend who had to go to the ER a couple months back because he took too much delta-8 thinking it wouldn't fuck him up as much as weed would. He lives in a state where he can't get a card unless it's a critical medical condition, so he got this vape from a regular vape shop that he frequents.

Truth be told, that's probably the closest thing to an OD on pot that I can think of.


Motor_Composer5999 t1_j795d7d wrote

Whole Plant products only so all the compounds balance each other. That new stripping away complimentary compounds method doesn’t agree w many. Don’t give up if called to discover that flower 🤩🌳🏵️🐝🐝🐝✨


Wyldfire2112 t1_j79rkgi wrote

Haven't tried the stuff yet, but probably will now that it's legal.

From what you describe, I imagine it's like gulping everclear vs enjoying a good whisky. Both will get you drunk, but one is actually enjoyable.


Motor_Composer5999 t1_j79s7rw wrote

Wow, yes. And beyond. Like a gentle supportive Cosmic bath, pain gone, mental squirrel mind dissolved.

Clearing of this life’s personal trauma, scars, then communing w highest self and hearing the comic messages and tools to thrive from your ancestors and beyond.

Then once cleared, we keep learning and growing w dna study and implementation of new and informed methods. It’s evolution during your week style. I’m so happy it’s here. 🐉🐝

Slowly building - web never updated at speed of expansion but you’ll know how to find me 🏵️🐝🐝🐝


travelbuteatvegan t1_j7edvfi wrote

Truly I worry so much about choking on my Uncrustables late into the night after getting insanely high.