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growth-or-happiness t1_j6wunyf wrote

I love hanging out with my kids. I wish others felt the same about me. Lol


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j6y1dwm wrote

Right? I get that it's a meme that kids are a hassle and all that, but I see so many parents who treat their kids like this huge burden and act like martyrs about it.

When I'm out I see parents all the time yelling at or just ignoring their kids. Those kids are going to grow up and do the same thing back to those parents. And I'll bet the parents will still act like martyrs about it.

I'll take all the time I can get with my kid, they're only kids for a little while.


Murky_Wolf3895 t1_j6ycif6 wrote

big same to this! my kid is great! I am too if only people would give me a chance lmao.