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GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v4l8h wrote

You realize the left lane rule is for highways right? People make left turns on city streets.


Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6v4r76 wrote

You realize that if you’re not turning left and you’re going the same speed as the guy next to you, you’re a dick, right?


GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6v539z wrote

Nope, city streets don't have passing lanes. You can go the speed limit or lick my nuts.


Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6v5axw wrote

Enjoy my headlights up your ass then homie.


GrilledAbortionMeat t1_j6x72m1 wrote

Doesn't bother me. If you cause an accident, you pay for my new car.


Kindly-Branch-4780 t1_j6xc110 wrote

Unless I can make the claim that you were driving intentionally obstructively in some bizarre Dick stretching routine that drivers ‘at reasonable speeds’ get into because they’re self righteous and zero respect for other peoples time.


ifollowmyself t1_j6vk990 wrote

You realize that's not how it works right? The law applies only to roads over 60mph.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j6vxjt4 wrote

It's called "consideration for other drivers."

Driving slow is fine, forming a rolling roadblock next to another slow driver in the other lane so other people can't get around you is being an asshole.


ifollowmyself t1_j70h2iy wrote

You want people to be considerate of your driving, but you're not being considerate of others. We all move at different speeds in life. Try spending more time in public spaces like airports, waiting is just part of travel.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j70sb14 wrote

Standing in the middle of the concourse blocking the flow of traffic while you chit-chat with someone is a dick move, too. Just because you have to deal with inconsiderate assholes everywhere doesn't make you not an inconsiderate asshole for doing it.

I don't care how much you drive like a grandma, just don't match paces with another traffic-clogger and completely block the road.


XzallionTheRed t1_j6vmw55 wrote

You realize I happily do that right? Tailgate harder, flip me the bird. It feeds my dark soul.