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lemler3 t1_j6tzjmb wrote

^(Once you have completed the pass, Missouri law REQUIRES you to return to the right lane.It is not legal or safe to continuously drive in the left lane. As faras overtaking vehicles is concerned, make sure you are in a safe passingzone. Missouri Revised Statute 304.016 addresses the passing laws.)

you know what people don't do here?

  • return to the right lane

i-mdirtydan t1_j6wtp2y wrote

Only applicable to highways. City streets this is not applicable.


CandyBoBandDandy t1_j6unzqz wrote

I do. People still tailgate me. Even when they have the opportunity to pass. The left lane is open. They don't go around


Wyldfire2112 t1_j6vwkod wrote

Yeah, that shit is just heinous assholery of the highest order.


TNCNguy t1_j6unfyk wrote

Thank god I live in Tennessee where driving in the left lane is legal and encouraged if right lane traffic is slow


rayoatra t1_j6u6523 wrote

This. If you can’t police yourself, you have no business policing me. Find the energy to turn your hella obese neck and look behind you, use your signal, move the fuck over, shut the fuck up.
