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[deleted] t1_j3oucx8 wrote

No. You can see when it goes down. Totally remorseless when he does it, sees the flag go up, and then falls apart. He’s broken up he got caught. If nothing came of it he would have been bragging about it after the fact. He’s got a lot of growing up to do.


PrisonJoe2095 t1_j3p12ii wrote

I agree he’s got growing up to do. I’m saying the Reddit Army is overacting to the seriousness of his crime. “Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer.”


chiquis2948 t1_j3pnliv wrote

It's weird that these guys aren't held to a higher standard than someone bagging grocery in stores. If joe pushed 2 other employees, he would be fired. Or imagine if in an MMA fight. 1 fighter gets hurt, and a medical doctor comes in, and the other fighter shoves him. And then does it again! I would imagine it would be hard for him to get licensed again.