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MrZini t1_j229p62 wrote

Seattle got a hell of a deal!! Top 3 pick plus all the others and not stuck with a big contract.


meatballcake87 t1_j24inn1 wrote

They got the #9 pick in last year’s draft from this trade as well


MrZini t1_j24k5nc wrote

Crazy. Russell doesn't look good. He might be better next year but I don't think he is denvers solution. But as always fire the coach. 😆


techieman33 t1_j24rj55 wrote

It was the only option they had. After their abysmal season one of them had to go. And firing Hackett probably cost them very little financially. Wilson on the other hand is going to cost them the same money over the next 3 years if they keep him or cut him. So might as well try to make it work.


Duckboy_Flaccidpus t1_j25untj wrote

>So might as well try to make it work

might as well *Have to make it work. These contracts the big 3 sports get themselves saddled with are ridiculous. The agents must be smoove ops AF.


ktthebb t1_j24rl9l wrote

Russ is bad but Hackett had to go.


RandyJohnsonsBird t1_j25evr1 wrote

Picked OL Cross who started at LT all season and looks like a great long term stud.


Existing_Display1794 t1_j29d48z wrote

Two firsts, two seconds, and a fifth lolol. This team is dead in the water for five years.


MrZini t1_j29tyf0 wrote

Seattle will be looking good soon. Metcalf Lockett, Walker. Just upgrade the QB and some other pieces. Dangerous.


someguy8608 t1_j22acvu wrote

I think Russell Wilson’s NFL career is over soon.


cspinasdf t1_j22l480 wrote

I mean the Broncos can't cut him for at least two more years. But it would be pretty funny to have a back up qb making 50 million a year


sherestoredmyfaith t1_j22ll8y wrote

He will get another year to right the ship, after that it’s over either bench time or retires


horse3000 t1_j233399 wrote

He will return to Seattle for extremely cheap and play like his old self.

It was all part of the plan to stack the Seahawks more.


jearron t1_j21p1ou wrote

classic NFL move, QB over coach. an organization does not do well that way.


dreamtimeboomerang t1_j21vgnh wrote

You can't really fire a player like you can a coach. Broncos would happily dissolve that Wilson contract if they could.


jearron t1_j21vvas wrote

agreed on your points. there are many stories in the NFL where a QB was able to influence the coaching staff through the administration. as for Wilson, i’ve been shaking my head at this organizations choices for several years.


bowtie25 t1_j21xnov wrote

Ur a fan? I feel for u I’m a Texans fan if that’s any consolation lol


CamiloArturo t1_j22c24d wrote

To be honest, he was a huge mistake as a HC irregardless of how terrible Wilson has been


farmer15erf t1_j22djk9 wrote

I mean the coach wasnt over or underthrowing people or passing when rushing for a 1st is wide open.


HungryHungryCamel t1_j240bsh wrote

No but they did lead the league in penalties (coaching), have terrible separation rates (coaching), made repeatedly poor clock management decisions (coaching), had multiple sideline scuffles (coaching), terrible run blocking and scheming (coaching), etc. If everything is on fire, you fire the coach.


westernsociety t1_j24wfoi wrote

I didn't watch alot of Broncos but it was pretty evident from game one, the coach was in over his head. It might be alleviating Russ of some of the blame, but he definitely was an awful coach all year and deserved to be fired.


Pocket-Sandwich t1_j259pb2 wrote

Honestly I think it's fair to take some of the blame off Russell and put it on the coach. It's hard to overstate how important confidence is to how well someone plays, and when a coach can't give their players confidence in the system they're running that affects all aspects of the game.

On the other hand, part of being a professional is dealing with that and a QB also has to give confidence to the offense so Russ definitely deserves at least some flak, but the whole operation was such a shit show it's hard to say anything for sure until we see them next year.


farmer15erf t1_j240x85 wrote

No they just paid the qb too much to move on from him too. Otherwise they would clean house.


jearron t1_j22du2k wrote

loosing is a team effort


farmer15erf t1_j22e3xm wrote

If the offense had scored 19 points each game they would have like 3 or 4 losses


jearron t1_j22ecgu wrote

if. didn’t.


farmer15erf t1_j22f7tb wrote

Right, because of the things i mentioned before where Russ has played like ass.


jearron t1_j22fiyn wrote

he’s not alone in blame in the organization


ZellNorth t1_j231cof wrote

No one is saying he is. He’s a pretty big blame tho.


MathMaddox t1_j24cxsf wrote

I think it’s more likely that the coach loses the locker room before the QB does. Also usually by the time the coach is fired, he’s tried the backup.


RollItMyWay t1_j21j22p wrote

Apparently he’s lost his ability to learn.


alwaysright15 t1_j23xae5 wrote

According to Wilson, a few of his other wishes from his press conference:

I wish I was a little bit taller

I wish I was a baller


Christhephotographer t1_j22ev58 wrote

Oh, I’m sure their ex-coach is drying his tears with $100 bills right now.


Sword-of-Azrael t1_j23630z wrote

Us in Seattle wished you handed off that ball to Lynch instead of wanting to be the hero and throwing that horrible interception in the Superbowl.


DemSumBigAssRidges t1_j241ngi wrote

Wasn't that on Carroll, not Wilson?


ContemplatingPrison t1_j24hpej wrote

Yes it was and there is a theory it was because they wanted Wilson tk be MVP instead of Lynch because of how Lynch was back then with the press.


Wheream_I t1_j24wndb wrote

Which is dumb. We passed because it was second down, the clock was running with 24 seconds left, and we had 1 timeout, and Marshawn was about 30% from the goal line that year.

If we ran it we would have had to burn our last timeout, forcing pass then run for the next 2 plays.


ContemplatingPrison t1_j251suh wrote

I never said it was true lol. Just saying that's what I recall everyone was saying after the game.

Go Niners


elementofpee t1_j245gha wrote

Still on Wilson to make a better throw so it’s either a TD or an incomplete - not a ball that Butler could break and rip from.

As a Seattle fan, this narrative of “should’ve ran the ball” is old, tired and wrong. Wilson needed to make a better throw.


westernsociety t1_j24wob5 wrote

Nah they definitely should've ran it. The second it happened everyone knew it.


elementofpee t1_j25yt1h wrote

You must not understand defensive alignment. Belichick had 8 in the box, preparing for a run. Earlier in the season Marshawn faced the same goal line situation and fumbled away at the 1. Also, the clock was running, Belichick didn’t call a time out, and running the ball while not making it would’ve killed the game too. Wilson needed the place the ball better. Butler also just made a ridiculous play and hats off there.


asar5932 t1_j247yt1 wrote

You people in Seattle are such winey bitches I can’t stand it.


Sword-of-Azrael t1_j25u1iy wrote

Oh no, from all of us in Seattle, you’ve hurt us deeply with your witty banter.


asar5932 t1_j271tly wrote

First of all, you’re fucking stupid for thinking Russ called that play. Second of all, the whole fanbase is a bunch of back stabbing bitches for forgetting what this dude did for your franchise and city. Third round pick who did nothing but win football games including a damn Super Bowl. Then gets you 2 firsts and 2 second round picks in compensation on the way out. Never got in trouble and played the game the right way. And you hate the guy because he’s cringey? Because he doesn’t give Marshawn Lynch his cell number?


Sword-of-Azrael t1_j2cr4ny wrote

Damn dude, you always get this upset over stupid shit? Small dick energy radiating off you.


Oldtimer_2 t1_j24iz9k wrote

Hackett wishes you would have played better also Russ!! As do Broncos fans.


RandyJohnsonsBird t1_j25fafp wrote

Maybe Hackett got the best outcome of the disaster. He can walk away but DEN is stuck with a possible bunk QB for multiple seasons.


BeulahsButterflies t1_j242lin wrote

Chiefs fan here, can’t wait to see Russ at Arrowhead this Sunday. I remember back to the beginning of the season where pundits like Colin Cowherd were saying this was the end of Reid and Mahomes.


Tone_clowns_on_it t1_j244xw0 wrote

I think mahomes will do more in his career than Russ if he hasn’t already but the chiefs will suffer the same fate as the Seahawks. Mahomes is getting paid now and they won’t be able to afford the o-line and d-line stars that make it all work. Brady had such a long run because he was willing to make less to surround himself with a solid team.


Low-Possession-4491 t1_j23hiu1 wrote

Can’t play better when you’re mediocre from the get go. All his years in, he’s never been seen as an MVP.


Beneficial_Guava_452 t1_j23zjy5 wrote

That’s just patently false but ok. He’s a 9-time pro bowler and he was very much in the running for MVP in 2013 when he lead the Seahawks to a SuperBowl win. He’s been on the decline for a long time, and I’m not saying he’s elite-caliber anymore, but that’s just ridiculous to say he’s been “mediocre from the get-go.”


HungryHungryCamel t1_j240fhv wrote

His best years were 2-3 years ago, he hasn’t been declining for a long time


PappyJoe18 t1_j2423ad wrote

His best years were like 5-6 years ago


HungryHungryCamel t1_j242nm9 wrote

2020 was statistically his best year I think with 4200 yards, 40 TDs, 500+ yards rushing. That was two years ago.


Low-Possession-4491 t1_j245nzi wrote

That’s fair mate. I will agree then he’s not mediocre, but like you said, not elite. Being a Pro Bowler is cool, being an MVP is cooler, IMO. I think the Seahawks system propped him up quite well and helped the Broncos get their lunch money took. Anyways, I’m a Fins fan so I barely have any room to talk. Cheers mate.


steboy t1_j243lva wrote

I wish he played better for my eyeballs.


rysker6 t1_j24spjj wrote

This whole deal was insane. Did the Broncos not watch Seattle the last two years ? Was clear as day Wilson was on the decline


ocelot23 t1_j233jsp wrote

And i wish i could retire


FinancialInsect8522 t1_j23ita9 wrote

Dolphins fan who moved to Denver, I have felt real bad for these folks dealing with the team the last few years. The ‘fins are not much better in general, but we got used to that disappointment. A winning team that slumps hard fast is just sad


MathMaddox t1_j24deb8 wrote

At least the Dolphins make sure their QB has no memory of their losing ways.


Electronic_pizza4 t1_j24t6ux wrote

broncos country.... nah just stop you dead last in the power rankings


Spiky_Duck t1_j24z63s wrote

I feel like there’s a world where Russ played bad to get a new head coach, I would think Sean Payton had something in mind since he’s a great offensive minded coach


stxrxer t1_j2fo1i0 wrote

He’ll be unstoppable with a formidable running back and a dominant defense.


titan-of-hunger t1_j22x39r wrote

Really? You wish you'd played better for 1 of the only people who's ISN'T paying you? How bout the ownership who shelled out 250m to watch you combust on national television? How bout the millions of fans who paid to watch you screw the pooch week after week? Congrats on torching your HoF chances btw


gj29 t1_j22nohq wrote

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.

PSALM 42:11 (ESV)


Sword-of-Azrael t1_j2367vv wrote

Pretty sure even God is tired of Russ.


gj29 t1_j23xljf wrote

Lol - wonder if the downvotes are people of faith, or people who think my comment was serious.