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pHyR3 t1_izcyu0v wrote

>, is that they and Duke sometimes seem to receive undue credit & praise early on in the season based on their histories. And also when they designate seeds and locations for the tourney in March.

i mean at least for this year UNC were runners up as the 8 seed with all players except Manek returning and a great transfer prospect - that seems to go against what you were saying since it wasn't based on their histories nor were they seeded highly last year


Spicybrown3 t1_izd62h2 wrote

Ya said it yourself, they were an 8. So they had enough talent to put a run together in the dance. U do realize it’s never the four “best teams” in the final four right? They stayed number one for a few weeks looking like dogshit vs mid majors. They had no reason to be ranked one after those first 2 games. There’s only one reason why they stayed there. And what I said about Bilas and Vitale is absolutely true.