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[deleted] t1_iz5xrx4 wrote



skaomatic t1_iz60noy wrote

Those were the days , judge lane , judge joe brown .


wzl46 t1_iz6mts5 wrote

In about 2002, I used to watch his show as part of about 6 hours of court shows on daytime TV. I always liked him second best after Marilyn Millian on People’s Court.


DrNickRiviera8000 t1_iz6mxcv wrote

My mom was obsessed with his show and we ended up watching it a ton as kids. Let’s get it on and get it decided.


Jrrobidoux t1_iz6ad0t wrote

You mean legendary celebrity death match ref


BeefInGR t1_iz7y1db wrote

Both. Mills was the ref for many headline PPV bouts including Tyson's first title win and the ear bite (which is how he ended up on Celebrity Death Match)


Jrrobidoux t1_iz8dw68 wrote

I know. But people of the later (read: MTV) generation would know him from CDM.


throwing_snowballs t1_iz5xbi5 wrote

Great ref. Unfortunate that he had to deal with Tyson biting Holyfield's ear. That incident affected his career as much as anything ever did.


[deleted] t1_iz6cvdx wrote



throwing_snowballs t1_iz7loh8 wrote

He was a very well respected boxing ref when it happened. That was why he was in the ring for that fight.


[deleted] t1_iz7nca9 wrote



throwing_snowballs t1_iz83th7 wrote

I had a roommate in university that was into (watching) boxing and he got me into it a bit. The thing we saw, and he would often comment on it, was that Mills Lane was often the guy in the ring during the really big ticket fights... and especially with the heavyweights. Everyone in the (very corrupt) boxing world trusted Mills Lane as the definitive ref.

Having to disqualify Tyson at such a big fight was exactly what he had to do and it wouldn't have been easy. I remember the analysts saying after the first bite that Tyson should have been disqualified and but when Mills Lane took four points from Tyson they back tracked and agreed will Mills that this was the right thing to do. (They in fact praised his response and in doing so confirmed that he was the right guy for this fight.) After the second bite (which is the one most people think about and have seen the clip for) he disqualified him. The analysts heaped praise on Mills for how well he handled the situation, and let's face it, it was a gong show but in the end, and forever more, he was the guy who disqualified Tyson for biting.


Theometer1 t1_iz6dc2r wrote

How much did Tyson pay for the ear?


colbat45 t1_iz769yq wrote

I could totally see him doing that. A piece of history


ExRockstar t1_iz7n2cq wrote

It's a pieth of hithtory. I'm gonna buy Evander's ear.


Leroypipe69420 t1_iz6d616 wrote

He ran the court under Eagles Stadium back when Eagles games were the Wild West of drunken sports arenas.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_iz6sz08 wrote

He was great on Celebrity Deathmatch


StepYaGameUp t1_iz5yy2b wrote

“And now you know the answer to that question is!”


d1msum4u t1_iz6qgc1 wrote

RIP. Also looks like old version of Jason Starham in that photo.


chillinwithmypizza t1_iz9fyxt wrote

His finest work was on celebrity death match, “LETSGITITON!”


Mvd75 t1_iz9q1t5 wrote

If it was a box office boxing match, you had Mills Lane as referee and Michael Buffer as the Ring Announcer. RIP Mills Lane *taps nose*


bohanmyl t1_iz8cgn9 wrote

My dad and i still wildly say "Ill Allow It!" Anytime either asks to do something. Man was a death match king. RIP Mills Lane


DrTopps t1_iz8gf0m wrote

Knockout kings flashbacks


weedyscoot t1_iz9ine9 wrote

There was a (I think) local tv commercial in Chicago that listed their programming in a jingle that ended with "Jude Mathis, Judge Mills Lane, and the People's Court." And I will never get it out of my head.


vantavish t1_izb8tht wrote

Legendary ref,marine,judge and legend of the square circle