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mlyster67 t1_ix59pvy wrote

Just gonna ignore the blindside/block in the back?


Johnnieroq t1_ix6j33a wrote

I seen that New York reviewed it and said it was from the side.


Pleaseusesomelogic t1_ix5a9k9 wrote

Right? But why do they always have to be so stupid. That was totally unnecessary but could have called the play back.


dnbreaks t1_ix7bfnq wrote

It looks as if 34 tries to draw the penalty. He runs over and then turns his back into contact.


cyberpunk_VCR t1_ix5rz3x wrote

Youre rrally over here complaining about a no-call and you cant even decide what penalty it should be.

It's not a blindside because the blocker was running in the direction of the play, and it's iffy at best to call that a shove in the back. If that's a block in the back then there are 100 missed block in the back calls every game.


Mandoman1963 t1_ix6nff9 wrote

The defender didn't have a chance to catch him, that's why it wasn't called.


YouSummonedAStrawman t1_ix86wgs wrote

3 to 3 at the end?

What a boring game. These are like soccer scores. I don’t find defensive games fun to watch.
