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neverending_debt t1_iwzlogk wrote

I love how he says white people are responsible for every single crime of the last 3000 years and therefore has no right to judge Qatar for using slaves or murdering gay people.


carlse20 t1_iwzrx36 wrote

Right? The melding of the stupidest parts of far left rhetoric (white people bad!) and the stupidest parts of far right rhetoric (ignore human rights abuses cuz whataboutism and money!) is what’s truly spectacular about this oral faceplant.


ilritorno t1_ix02tbw wrote

In italian we say "gli estremi si toccano", "extremes meet". Boy, did they meet today in the figure of a swiss-italian-afro-arab-onceredhaired-freckled-gay-migrantworker.


BleuRaider t1_ix151fb wrote

Because both can’t be wrong and their descendants can never criticize anyone for the remainder of time.

He is so fucking stupid.


CILISI_SMITH t1_ix4n3qu wrote

>their descendants can never criticize anyone for the remainder of time

Many of the descendants even criticise their ancestors and their values. It's why they pull down statues and an make apologies. They're trying to grow and change and be better to each other.


Cayfish t1_ix7ezlr wrote

It’s like when Anderson Cooper found out an ancestor of his was a slave owner who was killed in a slave revolt. He approved of it and didn’t feel bad for his ancestor.


superarts t1_ixeld5h wrote

Just don’t drag us Americans from china into this clown show. I’m not blaming my ancestors for anything, they were just poor farmers abused by all sorts of dictatorship.


Cayfish t1_ix7exns wrote

Last 3000 years? LMAO, everyone was doing sinister shit that long ago. You had human sacrifices being done in Ancient Civilizations for instance!