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blobby9 t1_iwlgijm wrote

I’m an unabashed Test Cricket fan. But there is no way that Test Cricket will be the format that gets cricket spread across the world in 2022. T20 cricket is the perfect vehicle to spread the game into new territory. And the mainstream of the USA is new territory indeed.


5m1tm t1_iwr1twv wrote

Yeah, seconded. I'm also a purist and Test cricket is my favourite format, but I love the other two formats too. Plus, idk what delusional world many cricket purists live in when they expect Test/FC cricket to be as popular as T20 cricket (or even more popular lol). Plus many of them have a condescending attitude. Test cricket should flourish and grow, but T20 cricket is definitely the format that'll bring in newer fans and countries into the mix. To think that Test cricket can do that, is delusional.