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assoncouchouch t1_iuoqi57 wrote

I think Serena had to go though wayyy more hurdles on top of just being black. Her muscular physique, big buxom, & booty was also counter to the lengthy style more embraced by the tennis world. To boot, her power serve & surprisingly mobile base court game was also outside the norm. So she was always facing opinions of her.

She did have some confrontations with referees, & maybe some tell all will explain where she was truly coming from- if she felt like the calls against her were unfair, & why. But she’s without question the best woman to ever play, & I feel like she faced much of her obstacles with grace.


Cloudyarabia t1_iuphdfi wrote

Wayyy more hurdles

Unlike her sister who just has a chronic debilitating illness.

“But she’s a big black woman so it’s hard” marries white billionaire cofounder of Reddit

Think you have a misplaced conception of what it means to encounter adversity, it’s not always skin deep.


gourmet_panini t1_iupsjp1 wrote

Venus isn’t pressed, so why are you. Having money does not neglect the fact that they have been called “men” and “animals” since childhood.


Cloudyarabia t1_iuq2f70 wrote

I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to communicate here.


gourmet_panini t1_iuq3nar wrote

The OP is correct Serena went through more adversity. Venus doesnt use her illness to claim she had it harder.

Serena married a billionaire because she is the highest paid female athlete ever. Her billionaire status doesn’t take away the fact she faces discrimination based on her body type.


Cloudyarabia t1_iuqoxlk wrote

I think thats quite presumptuous to suggest that she married a billionaire because she's also rich, similarly, I wouldn't suggest that she married him because he is white nor him her because she's black - it makes no sense for me to do so, even if this may or may not be true, I don't have the information to hand to assert it.

I am absolutely at a loss how you can be so confident in saying things for which you have next to no insight nor evidence for. Astounding.

I would consider reflecting on how you come to your opinions on topics at the margins and more closely consider how your viewpoint may be flawed or diminished. I would expect someone with a tertiary level of education like yourself to be more prudent in your assertions and leave more room for nuance.

As a final thought, 'Who has it tougher' is a very toxic way to view the world, we all have our own struggles, we all have our own tribulations; being called names like 'Animal' or 'Man' as a black young lady is not directly comparable to a severe illness or disability - both can be challenging in different ways, not every difficulty is directly rank-able or comparable, I personally feel that this kind of discourse contributes to the miasma that burdens our societal structures today.

Have a nice day.


shockingdevelopment t1_iuq7a9x wrote

Grace? Is that how you read her constant insults of colleagues and abysmal sportsmanship?