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reilmb t1_jcd4hs4 wrote

Are his mechanics bad? Is he too short what are the problems with Baker? He is a try hard at times but I don’t know what’s wrong with him.


piquedinhighschool t1_jcd9slc wrote

As far as I can tell his biggest issue is decision making. But being an NFL QB the good and bad are separated by a few decisions every week.


downinCarolina t1_jcdw6do wrote

“Should I eat at the clubhouse or stop at Taco Bell?”


jnip t1_jcfsrcv wrote

Have a couple drinks at the clubhouse, and then go to Taco Bell.


FrazzaB t1_jcem675 wrote

You just need to take 1 look at his run of HC/OC. Adding that to playing through a cavalcade of injuries doesn't help anyone.

If he'd started the 2018 season, Browns likely finish 9-7 and Baker with 30 TD passes. It was already close, but I genuinely think its one of the greatest rookie seasons of all time. The inconsistency above him after that did nothing but hurt him.


DemSumBigAssRidges t1_jcfxbzv wrote

His main problem: he was drafted by Cleveland.

That alone doomed him, and he may never shake the reputation that came with playing for said dumpster fire.