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krashlia t1_j8ipka8 wrote

"Things can change in 200+ years."

Well, its too bad that this thing didn't change in your favor. (Also, Slavery? Voting Rights? Those were charactarized by a legalized rights deprivation, not by formally recognized criminals screwing things up for everyone)

Sorry, the gun lobby exists because the demand for guns is rather high, not because congress is so sweet on them. And its gotten higher across all demographics since 2020.

Btw, I remember being told the Republicans would support bans if they saw Black people getting more guns. But thats failed to materialize.

Now, we could look into why people aren't disarming, but... Nah, contempt for the population, or just assuming Australia and the US are alike, is easier.

"Let me guess your solution. More guns? Officers in schools?"

Just because Uvalde screwed up, doesn't mean its a bad idea, under circumstances where they're not being led by an idiot. As evidenced by the fact that one guy killed the shooter because he wasnt being hobbled by some moron chief.

Anyways... How about 10 year sentences for any violation, hole punches in drivers licenses, and system meant to catch out liars and proxy buyers before they can become trouble?