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Brophymusprime t1_j4vun8v wrote

Because it's not conjecture- the main page says there are 3 replies and when I click the post there are 0.

It seems like a lot of comments are hidden when it comes to hit button issues or things they've been keeping from the general public.


Delta_V09 t1_j4vxre8 wrote

No, that just means people have been shadow-banned from the subreddit. Shadow-banning is a tool to keep trolls from realizing they've been banned. Instead of just blocking them from posting, it lets them post, but hides it from everyone else. That way they don't just go and make a new account.


Brophymusprime t1_j4x60rv wrote

What are you saying no to? You've just explained what I was describing - that's not a yes or no situation.

It's censorship. Period