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eazy_64 t1_j3o1u23 wrote

You really hate to see “spacetime” reduced to a coordinate system like that. Imagine if you will a taut bed-sheet suspended in air by its four corners. You can think of each point of each fiber of that sheet as you classic xyz coordinate plane and the whole sheet stitched together as xyz-t incorporating time. The real revolutionary thing about this is that spacetime as the fabric of space interacts with matter creating the effect of gravity. Balls of mass sitting on the sheet locally deform the entire sheet causing anything sitting on that sheet to “fall” toward it. The bigger the mass the bigger the effect. It also shows how the effect can be universal (all mass is attracted to other mass) but the magnitude of this attraction is a function of the magnitude of the deformation and another mass’s distance to the deformation. It is one of the non purely math only explanations of what a “force” is.