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Anonymous-USA t1_j65foth wrote

The known universe is so vast that it’s unobservable. And if you placed that telescope at the edge of the observable universe the images wouldn’t reach us for another 14B years. Will you wait? 🧐


Ghostsarepeopletoo t1_j66m9vm wrote

The observable universe is 90 billion ly across.


Anonymous-USA t1_j66vbvj wrote

The observable universe is 45B ly in all directions only because the objects we see now in almost 14B years have moved 45B ly away by now.

The universe has an observable event horizon about 16B light years away. Any light leaving now from that distance may be observed (in 16B light years). But beyond that the expansion of space exceeds light speed and we will never see that light. Or hypothetical telescope signal.

So don’t put your telescope 90B ly away. Or 45B. Or 16B. No one will ever observe it.