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AstroPixelCollector t1_j1pffv8 wrote

And I assert the hypothesis that the universe next door is populated with nothing but pink elephants; for which I have as much evidence as those who hypothesize a multiverse.


oalfonso t1_j1pfwps wrote

Scientific evidence shows is in reality full of Stay Puft marshmallow men.


Buggy3D t1_j1pfw2c wrote

It is possible but it’s certainly near impossible to prove or disprove.

Any existence outside of our visible universe remains… well… unobservable.

As a result, any laws of physics that reside outside of it are unknown, and so is the possibility of a collision, if there even are other universes out there.

Even if one were possible, it would be impossible to know what effect it could have on our own, if any, as it would require us to know what sits on dimensions outside of our universe, and the laws of physics that reign there.


LemonSnakeMusic t1_j1pgdbu wrote

There’s no evidence to suggest it has. With all science, and especially stuff that far outside our ability to observe, we need to be conservative and not assume things we don’t have evidence for. It’s certainly an interesting idea, and one that’s worth exploring and experimenting to try to confirm, but without evidence it’s not an idea which has much validity.


Jolly_Common_1788 OP t1_j1pgi7c wrote

This question came from researching the great void. I was reading that some theories say that could of been an universal collision point.


LemonSnakeMusic t1_j1ph52u wrote

Ok now I get where you’re coming from. Yes, superstructure stuff like that is at the very bleeding edge of what humans know. Multiple universes interacting is a strong hypothesis for crazy large scale phenomena like that. My only point was to approach stuff like that skeptically.

Honestly it hurts my brain even considering stuff on that magnitude. Very cool stuff though.


space-ModTeam t1_j1ph6wi wrote

Hello u/Jolly_Common_1788, your submission "Universe colliding into another one?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


Most-Hawk-4175 t1_j1phmvv wrote

We don't know. No scientific evidence. Just guessing and discussions at this point which is perfectly fine.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are more universes besides our own. Perhaps interacting with one another. Our own universe is mind-boggling massive. Too big for the human mind to comprehend. So to find out infinite other universes exist would not surprise me.

I'm starting to wonder if humans will ever really know the true scale and nature of the universe.