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s1ngular1ty2 t1_j20h4fn wrote

Reply to comment by fitzroy95 in Planetary Colonization by lodoslomo

If something destroys the Earth we are dead because any Colony requires the Earth to send supplies to function.

Stop believing sci-fi. It's not real.


fitzroy95 t1_j20jy1c wrote

Any colony that is built off world is going to need to slowly become self-sufficient, growing their own food, mining and manufacturing. and Yes, that takes time.

and Yes, there will be a period where they are totally dependent on Earth, which is likely to last decades, but is certainly unlikely to last centuries.

Technology changes at a massive rate, and the minerals and resources available in space far outstrip anything available on Earth. Getting access to them is going to be hard, but far from impossible.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j20kr6g wrote

No it won't because other planets lack the necessary resources and required supplies form Earth.

You are believing sci-fi and need to stop.


fitzroy95 t1_j20m3h2 wrote

No, I believe in science, technology, and humanity's rate of development.

Apparently you believe that we've reached our peak technology and will never improve.

I believe that the term for that is "Luddite"


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j20mexz wrote

No you believe in sci-fi because you don't have a strong foundation in technical areas. Colonizing other planets is sci-fi and not real and won't be probably ever.

It is that hard...