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Ill_Interaction6998 t1_j1ehvk6 wrote

He lived exactly as long as he felt. Time for him flowed by his biological clock. For the rest, he was certainly older, but relative to each of them.


-DementedAvenger- t1_j1etdpq wrote

> Time for him flowed by his biological clock

Yes. This is OP’s question. The rest of your comment isn’t relevant.


PachinkoGear t1_j1f3lts wrote

The best thing about the internet: we get to decide what's relevant, and be dismissive of everyone else when we decide we've had enough. It's really a win/win scenario!


Ill_Interaction6998 t1_j1ez0ob wrote

Everything is relevant. Here, no tests are taken on the exam. Here is a discussion of issues. And every word has its own weight. If you have something to add on this post, then don't be shy. Express your opinion. If there's nothing to say, then keep quiet. Silence is gold.


-DementedAvenger- t1_j1f0gt8 wrote

From your previous comment, exactly one of your three sentences was about OP’s question, and it still didn’t answer anything or add anything to the discussion.

>He lived exactly as long as he felt.

Wat? Irrelevant.

> Time for him flowed by his biological clock.

Certainly a weird way to describe it, but that’s kind of exactly what OP is asking. If Cooper was wearing a clock the whole time, how much time (relevant to only himself) had passed?

> For the rest, he was certainly older, but relative to each of them.

Again…wat? It may be a general statement about relativity in its own conversation, but it’s not directly relevant to OP’s question.

Your phrasing also suggests that English may not be your first language, or that you’re trying too hard to sound philosophical or something, so a bit of clarification may help get your point across if you intended your comment to answer OP’s question.


oooortcloud t1_j1f26g4 wrote

You’re a controlling lil jagoff, aren’t you!


-DementedAvenger- t1_j1f3d8n wrote

What am I controlling? I’m just trying to guide this other person back on topic to OP’s question?


oooortcloud t1_j1f41qf wrote

You’re trying to control the content of someone else’s response by deeming half of it “irrelevant”. No one appointed you to this duty. You are not a moderator. You’re just attempting to exert control on Reddit, for whatever reason.


DatGearScorTho t1_j1f7g0p wrote

Judging by the similar sentence structures and haughty tones of the replies I'd say you ran into someone with many accounts and lots of free time.


PachinkoGear t1_j1f3x0u wrote

You're awfully judgy. Are we back to mistreating people who don't speak English as their first language? I fail to recognize how that's relevant other than, you know, racism.

In any case, we'll make sure to forward any future comments to you to proof. I'd hate to see something that you might take issue with. It's rather altruistic, really, how critical you are.


-DementedAvenger- t1_j1f79kh wrote

That’s not how racism works. I’m certainly not that kind of person.

Pointing out that someone’s comment is confusing or potentially off-topic due to strange phrasing isn’t fucking racism. I’m not discriminating against them or saying their points are less important because of their language or nationality.

Their points are less important because they don’t appear to be helping OP’s question. Possibly due to phrasing confusion.

Language or nationality is irrelevant to OP, but I point it out because it’s relevant to them (the commenter) to help understand why I’m dismissing part of their comment. Answering a question in English that was asked in English requires language that is clear and concise to English speakers, so strange phrasing can be indicative of misunderstanding at a basic language level. That’s all I’m saying.


Cheshire_Khajiit t1_j1f4spq wrote

You’re right, wouldn’t want to post replies that are irrelevant to the OP’s question. 🙄 /s


-DementedAvenger- t1_j1f91rt wrote

You don’t appear to know how conversational threads work.

Top comment should usually be directly relevant to OP, and all child comments can be tangential.