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starfyredragon t1_j18hba7 wrote

In high energy physics, we come to the realization that not only does space contain energy/matter, but space exists as a property of energy/matter.

In other words, space exists because energy/matter creates a bubble of space around it. Further, since because energy/matter is contained in space, but can also contain the energy/matter that project additional space, every bit of energy/matter/space is referenceable as a property in a larger container, or in other words, a fraction. (example: 1 gram matter / 1 cubic meter), in the primordial "before existence" (as weird as that concept is when we get down to the nitty gritty as time is also a function of energy/matter/space), you end with a real-world scenario of 0/0.

However, 0/0 is a mathmatically untenable state. So we analyze by using caculus to get approaching limits. As we approach, we find out all points on the y axis are reachable at 0/0 depending on method of approach. In other words, 0/0 in this scenario calculates out to the set of all numbers. This results in a graph with a single null point at the origin of all things where it is impossible for anything to exist - no matter, no light, no energy, no space, no time, no data, no thought, no observation, but that said null-point results in everything as spacetime literally rips itself apart to create matter and space - a big bang.

And this isn't just hypothesis. We can see that in localized low energy settings that that positive and negative particles spontaneously emerge (and either collide with something or collapse, usually) creating a constant bubbling pressure on the quantum level known as the quantum foam. In other words, lots of "tiny big bangs" happen around us everywhere every second of every day as that original 0/0 event "continues to produce" all real numbers, filling up all the gaps that appear.