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tarrox1992 t1_j210fz5 wrote

>Pluto is about two-thirds the diameter of Earth's Moon and probably has a rocky core surrounded by a mantle of water ice. Interesting ices like methane and nitrogen frost coat the surface. Due to its lower density, Pluto's mass is about one-sixth that of Earth's Moon.

>We know very little about Eris' internal structure.

>Eris most likely has a rocky surface similar to Pluto

The only dwarf planet composition that we are even slightly sure about seems to show that it is, like the other commenter said, covered in miles of ice.


amitym t1_j211l7g wrote

Surface methane and nitrogen ice. Not water ice. Mantle of water ice is not "covered in miles of ice." It's almost the opposite. Pluto looks more like it was an ice asteroid than that it was hit by ice asteroids.

I'm not saying that ice asteroids don't exist. I'm saying that if everything in the solar system got its water from the impact of ubiquitous water ice asteroids, there should be more signs.


Eggplantosaur t1_j23odnf wrote

Should I let the researchers know you figured it out or will you contact them yourself?


amitym t1_j2f5vsz wrote

"Mantle" is the inside, not the outside. I wouldn't think that needs to be explained but here we are.