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shillyshally t1_j1kmvs4 wrote

This is a question no one can answer. It starts with a big if - whether there is a bounce - which is speculation at this point and then proceeds to ask a specific question about the nature of the unproven, speculative event.

Think what you want. Your speculation holds as much weight as any other or face up to the Fact there are unknowables at the heart of our existence.


EmbarrassedFriend693 OP t1_j1kn28m wrote

Yeah but what's more likely to happen?


BeepBlipBlapBloop t1_j1knapu wrote

Who knows? My guess is that not every event would unfold identically every time. That seems far fetched.


Oryzaki t1_j1krcd3 wrote

The universe is highly deterministic. Given the exact same starting point. it's quite possible but also pretty irrelevant. None of us will ever know or interact with such a universe.


shillyshally t1_j1knvpv wrote

No one can answer what is more likely to happen. Take a science course, take a logic course, take a course in existentialism. You're thinking app is flawed.


cashew76 t1_j1ksi31 wrote

Quantum is probabilistic. Very very little chance a being like you ever exists again. That said at this moment ever person in your social economic life experience thinks similarity to you.

When you go do good in any way your bringing good to the world in every similarly thinking person.


wildgurularry t1_j1ku53g wrote

All evidence we have so far points to heat death. Big bounce is highly unlikely given what we know. Dark energy is pushing the universe apart way faster than anything can hold it together.