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NotAHamsterAtAll t1_j0nitxo wrote

An expanding universe has never been measured. It is just a hypothesis inferred from redshifting of distant light + Big Bang hypothesis, nothing more.

To explain the issue of why the expansion isn't measurable, a bullshit explanation about galaxies being "gravitationally bound" has been introduced.

In short; no adjustments are needed, as spacecrafts does not need to adjust for hypothetical forces.


BasicHelicopter7711 t1_j0nphhc wrote

Way to broadcast your ignorance mate.


IFrickinLovePorn t1_j0nu3xn wrote

Wil the expanse of the universe impact the rate to which his ignorance can spread?


NotAHamsterAtAll t1_j0otucs wrote

I will as long as people still buy into the hopeless Big Bang hypothesis

or dark energy is actually found.

Whatever comes first.

In the meantime enjoy the modern creation mythos, its even less likely than the one found in any old religion.