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GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0o6qqq wrote

If you’re taking into account StarLink, probably space x. We’re talking about being innovative though, not the mass production of satellites that give you a better internet connection in rural area’s. That’s not being innovative, Space x’s innovation has come from their rocketry.


toodroot t1_j0oawfx wrote

Mass production isn't an innovation? What happened to that Springfield Rifle assembly line I learned about when I was a child?


GaLaXY_N7 t1_j0ob84s wrote

The idea of mass producing satellites to give people better internet connections in rural areas is not a wild concept my guy. Space-x wasn’t the first to think of that, they just managed to execute it before anyone else because of how much money they have.


toodroot t1_j0oc5or wrote

My guy, Space-x doesn't exist. SpaceX never claimed to be the first to think of it: Iridium and Globalstar are the pioneers who went bankrupt with a ton of arrows in their backs. SpaceX launched IridiumNEXT. Iridium was happy that they had the first satellite assembly line. Then OneWeb Airbus built a bigger one, now SpaceX has the biggest. In short, it's a history of rapid innovation.