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steliosmudda OP t1_j1ndzu7 wrote

Same camera in both pics: Canon 60d (Ha modded)

But other than that, not many similarities in terms of gear.

First image was taken with a 70-200mm canon zoom lens, iOptron skyguider pro on an Amazon tripod and intervalometer.

Second one was taken with a Skywatcher 150P, EQ6R pro, optolong l-enhance, 72ED plus 120mm mini for guiding.


mattcraft t1_j1ntf0f wrote

About $3k USD plus a camera setup? Good results for sure.


StarMan315 t1_j1p5nit wrote

I’m just getting into photography, (my camera is coming in a few days), but the first photo was really just taken with a 200mm zoom lens? And I see you have a star tracker for longer exposures. I just didn’t think a 200mm lens would have the magnification to see a nebula like that.


SyN_Pool t1_j1oc93c wrote

Photos stacked with exposure, or video?


ISpikInglisVeriBest t1_j1pd9cb wrote

Not OP but deep sky astrophotography basically requires the gear OP mentions, a few dozen light frames, then a series of calibration frames (flats, darks, bias).

Edit: So definitely photos and not video.

You then use stacking software and make the final touches in photoshop/Lightroom.

I use SiriL and Photoshop, Nico Carver has a video comparing pretty much all stacking software if you're interested.