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jEsTsBaCk t1_ivvsk70 wrote

Yea let’s pollute even more shit. And how many of these dumb ass sheets are you going to have before you run out?


TheKingPotat t1_ivvvav8 wrote

Its a dead world. Theres no ecology being put at risk by the minute amount of derbris humanity has on mars


StrangeTangerine1525 t1_ivw7qdo wrote

Jumping the gun a bit there don't you think? Either way its far more likely that if there is present Martian life, its going to be underground so surface trash wont do anything, especially since its such a small amount compared to the size of a planet.


TheKingPotat t1_ivwopt2 wrote

Personally my moneys still on the safer bets of the ice moons as opposed to life of any kind on mars beyond maybe the poles