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RnDanger t1_iwpybdk wrote

A theory that can't be tested isn't useful. It doesn't mean it's wrong but it offers no insight if we can't test it. Until we find a way to measure "information" experimentally, this isn't really science. It's speculation.


xMrBojangles t1_iwq7cqb wrote

This comes off as a couple grad students smoking a joint and letting their minds wander.

"Dude, what if dark matter is just information?"


Stay-At-Home-Jedi t1_iwrc8zq wrote

"Dude, what if dark matter is just all the information that doesn't matter?"



lagavulinski t1_iwqoh82 wrote

I'm sure the speculative idea of the atom was useful long before we could test/prove its validity or existence. Creating frameworks for understanding the world around us is useful, whether right or wrong.


Chimalez t1_iwq0uc5 wrote

Of course. But how cool would it be to experimentally prove one day? ;)