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heart_seizures t1_ixeb49j wrote

for our intents and purposes, it's infinite. it's billions of light years big, and there's still so much we don't know about the nature of our universe. I'm not sure if anyone knows.


erkynator OP t1_ixedg74 wrote

Far point. But just something is really really really big, doesn’t mean it’s infinite. I appreciate it sounds like a silly question, but I’m genuinely interest in people’s thoughts. If you traveled for long enough, on a completely linear path, what would happen? Where is Prof Brian Cox when you need him?!


Different-Brain-9210 t1_ixeilws wrote

Space is (as far as we can see) expanding in a way, that distance to objects far enough is increasing faster than speed of light. And the expansion is accelerating (as far as we can see). So no matter how fast you travelled, you'd still see the fartherst objects disappearing from your sight (light from them being red-shifted more and more towards infinitely long wavelengths), rather than getting closer.