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SlimyRedditor621 t1_irssb0m wrote

Imagine waking up to an article posted on this sub saying "the sun is getting smaller"


TheRealAndrewLeft t1_irstn9f wrote

If we detect a rogue blackhole getting closer early enough, we could use it as a large lens and get some great astronomy out of it, till it really gets closer. Silver lining.


Hiroshima66 t1_irsu2a5 wrote

Yes I was just thinking about that! We would have access to the universe's greatest telescope for a bit. Silver lining LOL


Koda_20 t1_irt6t2k wrote

And we get to meet 5th dimensional beings


marsrover15 t1_irtgrhp wrote

I'm not an expert on this topic but wasn't it just proven that we can't see the universe past the 3rd dimension.


unclepaprika t1_irsze18 wrote

It's like out of (celestial) body experience people experience before they die.


Hiroshima66 t1_irssdn5 wrote

I just can't. I love astronomy but it also terrifies me


LongEZE t1_irtt6dh wrote

Go read (or my preference was to listen to) Project Hail Mary. Great book


Etrigone t1_irup3x3 wrote

Given the mass of black holes, we'd be likely seeing the effects of it's gravity for years if not decades or centuries before that happened.

Although it would make for an interesting scifi story. Iirc that's a subplot in Dragon's Egg.

Also, check out "Death by Neutron Star", which I think was on Discovery.


Bensemus t1_irzsmng wrote

Stellar mass black holes are similar to large stars and these are what are roaming around. SMBH are basically only found at the centre of galaxies and due to that are exceedingly rare. Black holes pose was less of a threat to us than stars do as stars outnumber black holes a million to one or something else ridiculous.