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jormungandrsjig OP t1_iud4w7e wrote

The meteoroid left quite a crater on the red planet, and it revealed glimmering chunks of ice in an entirely unexpected place — near the warm Martian equator.


LiamColeE t1_iudpf4f wrote

I mean, if there's water its not really a surprise. It gets well below freezing at night on Mars even at the equator and tops out at ~70f at the heat of the day, which isn't enough to melt large chunks of ice in a day.


LeviathanGank t1_iudqgas wrote

But they said SURPRISE! When it landed so..


LiamColeE t1_iudqm6k wrote

Oh shit, well if I had known that I wouldn't have embarrassed myself like that


idbanthat t1_iue3u4n wrote

Seriously, a dozen of us are going to see your shame now, and be like, wow


divingyt t1_iue8s3d wrote

I literally just stumbled on this, read that comment and now I'm going to screen shot it and share it with my friends. That number will soon be 14.


AspieAndProud t1_iugaq1q wrote

Don't exaggivate. There's only the three of us to snicker. 😅


dewayneestes t1_iuee6cz wrote

Honestly I was expecting the two Viking Landers, curiosity and the rest to all jump out from behind some hills and yell SURPRIISE!!!!

They’d throw Mars dust confetti at dancing dust devil strippers and serve mars ice cocktails. The party started out fun but grew awkward and ended early when the Viking landers tried to blame each other for not calling for the last 40 years.


AncientProduce t1_iuebxih wrote

Aww I was hoping it was nougat and a layer of caramel.

Either way, thats pretty cool.


Antzz77 t1_iuf5dq6 wrote

An approximately 39ft wide meteoroid made a crater 12 times in diameter (492ft). If I were standing there today my mind would be so boggled!!


LittleCorndawg2 t1_iudcvcc wrote

I was reading that article and expected more about mars and then suddenly I was reading about lemurs picking their nose and eating the snot


[deleted] t1_iudbmwr wrote



[deleted] t1_iuddfi2 wrote



[deleted] t1_iudf9n1 wrote



Beavshak t1_iud88sc wrote

What was used to view the crater? I didn’t see (or missed) it noted in the article.


knallfurz t1_iudawk4 wrote

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter made the pictures.


inkswamp t1_iue7om1 wrote

"Conan the Bacterium, what is best in life?"

"To dissolve a wide variety of organic compounds, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their chemical components.”


TzedekTirdof t1_iuds82s wrote

The space rock was a lump of coal. Mars was very naughty that year.


Arbusc t1_iugotiu wrote

“Santa, you can’t just shoot a hole into the surface of Mars!”


shanvanvook t1_iudhkbt wrote

Save you reading the article…it was filled with nougat.


The_Minz t1_iudvm2m wrote

The fact that we are breeding Conan the Bacterium under Martian conditions is probably the most hilarious science fact i've learned today.

'Meanwhile, researchers tested a microbe nicknamed “Conan the Bacterium” under Mars-like conditions'


LeviathanGank t1_iudr3ay wrote

It's understandable they have little density in the atmosphere so the sound doesn't travel far


thenewcomputer t1_iug3a4k wrote

space rock? I suppose that's technically correct, but wouldn't it be more typical to say asteroid? or meteor?


LTTP2018 t1_iudzptw wrote

from the video “ we are suddenly realizing we don’t own all of this and there is a very aggressive competitor”. NASA man speaking about China also landing on Mars.

yeah USA you don’t own space. jeeeeezus can you please not start fighting over other planets?
