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Knichols2176 t1_iuc35by wrote

Not if AST mobile gets theirs launched first. Elon launched their Blue walker 3 in September and will launch their next 5. AST mobile is the OG. Many think Starlink and AST Mobile will collaborate as Elons is for homes requires box..and AST is for mobile. AST has 1200 patents. Together they dominate all internet and mobile and can be combined on each satellite. Amazon just steals technology and pays a ton to get it out first. Bezos is not going to win this one. There’s tweaks that Bezos didn’t know to steal.


Shrike99 t1_iufrovl wrote

SpaceX are already collaborating with TMobile for mobile.


Knichols2176 t1_iufsuva wrote

For literally old fashioned satellite calls. SOS. Lol. T mobile can’t offer what AST does and can’t be combined on a starlink satellite (which happens to have a third leg that’s just dead weight for balance). AST does not require any special equipment or software. T mobile does. Elon has tweeted that AST technology works. He must be intrigued. I’d think he’d want the best technology available right?


Shrike99 t1_iuh9nwq wrote

>For literally old fashioned satellite calls. SOS.

Limited data rate, yes. But not comparable to old fashion satphones in the sense that you need specialized hardware to talk to a geo sat, and not limited to SOS (though that's certainly one of the more useful aspects).

>T mobile can’t offer what AST doesT mobile can’t offer what AST does

The only difference I can see is bandwidth. And while an individual AST sat likely has a lot more throughput due to it's size, I can't see them getting anywhere near Starlinks numbers though so bandwith over a given area is probably comparable.

If they did reach some deal to integrate directly into the Starlink sats then they'd face the exact same limitations TMobile are.

>can’t be combined on a starlink satellite

That's literally what they're doing though.

>AST does not require any special equipment or software. T mobile does.

SpaceX and TMobile both say otherwise. They say it will be compatible with existing 5G capable phones, and that as far as the phone will be able to tell a Starlink sat will appear indistinguishable from a cell tower.

AFAIK AST are using the exact same approach, just with a larger antenna.