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BeepBlipBlapBloop t1_isxw1us wrote

Calendars are made-up systems for counting time, so there's really no way of predicting that.

If we stick with the calendar we have, then the year would be 100000002022.

But the Earth and the Sun would be long-since dead by then.


Naive-Gene-7583 OP t1_isxwad5 wrote

Yep. The sun will consume all the planets becoming a red giant. But if we want to depict in a 3rd dimension is what I’m trying to decipher.


BeepBlipBlapBloop t1_isxwt5x wrote

"What does "depict in a 3rd dimension" mean? I don't understand the question.

BTW, the sun won't consume all of the planets. Just Mercury, Venus, and maybe Earth.