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Monowhale t1_it7w4oi wrote

If there are aliens smart enough to detect us they will most likely try and stay hidden until they have the means to exterminate us. We as a species consume resources without regard to sustainability and eat other intelligent beings for food when it’s not required. There’s no reason for them to contact us unless it is to buy time.


thEiAoLoGy t1_it8c0g3 wrote

Eh, doubt they’d care. We see “lesser” life do all sorts of fucked up shit and we’re like… fascinating.


thebilldozer10 t1_itc0qsx wrote

however the second any of it becomes a threat we wipe it out.

alien life would be no different, civilization always wants to expand but there is a finite amount of material. It ultimately always becomes a competition for resources and we would be wiped out just to not be a competitor.


thEiAoLoGy t1_itc1gwk wrote

What hubris to think we’d be a threat to any aliens that could travel here from another solar system. We’re barely even thinking about having a base on the moon.


thebilldozer10 t1_itc5kaa wrote

we only need to look at our own history… humanity are experts at exterminating things that are no threat. you’ve never squashed a bug just because you could?