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Trips-Over-Tail t1_jducbpt wrote

Would it really be that visible? We can barely see the Milky Wayy, and we're in that one.


BariNgozi t1_jduexhe wrote

The Milky Way is perfectly visible in extreme darkness like the desert or somewhere very rural on a clear night. It's absolutely possible for a neighboring entity to have a view like this if they could position themselves front and center of our galaxy, but far enough away to see it all. The light our galaxy emits with its 100 billion stars all clustered together in this beautiful formation is more than enough.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_jdvp3ti wrote

And yet all those stars are totally erased by a shining moon or a distant town or less than perfect spectacles.


uhh186 t1_jdw1py8 wrote

That's due to our atmosphere. If you were on a body without an atmosphere that effect would be eliminated.


RangerWinter9719 t1_jduk8rq wrote

There’s also a ton of dust in the Way, which prevents us from seeing the centre without specialised equipment and a lot of data processing. From outside the galaxy, the view isn’t as hindered by space dust.