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BProbe t1_je50alh wrote

I live in a constant state of nihilism, you're so indifferent to the universe's scope that one cannot simply assume there's a purpose or a "mission". We are just a probability that materialized... The atom soup was just right enough for this to develop. We'll exist, do our thing, stop existing, and the universe won't even skip a beat (I don't think we won't even have been/will be around for enough time for a universe beat to even occur).

If our observations and science are even infinitesimally correct, I believe it to be a win, because IMHO there's A LOT that we are simply unable to observe/study/comprehend. What even is existence and reality itself? Existential SMBH.


AGARAN24 OP t1_je8u92v wrote

The sad part is, we will never uncover the truths of the universe, we will perish before then. Even if we do, I for sure won't be alive at that time.


BProbe t1_je8ynda wrote

O believe we do when we die, like a post-game-ending screen. “What do you want to know?”


AGARAN24 OP t1_jeae1r0 wrote

Haha, more like , "u died a loser, suckaarr. "