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Andromeda321 t1_jd95611 wrote

I have a love/hate relationship with these articles because they're always an excellent guarantee that it will be far too cloudy to see anything where I live!


frogsntoads00 t1_jd9pp59 wrote

This is me literally any time there is an event in the sky that I really want to check out.

Even something that lasts several days, guaranteed overcast/cloudy/storms that night, every. single. time.


Llamaxaxa t1_jd9uyyp wrote

Today’s weather: sunny skies. Friday’s forecast: clouds with periods of even more clouds.


Hiseworns t1_jda3mno wrote

I looked it up for my area and you are dead on accurate

I shouldn't be surprised, it's like this every goddamn time for us too


bubdadigger t1_jda7t4d wrote

Welcome to the club. We got club jackets, free chips and paid parking...


G0-N0G0-GO t1_jdatqzi wrote

And Billy’s mom made cookies this week too!

Awwww…oatmeal raisin


bubdadigger t1_jdau163 wrote

>Awwww…oatmeal raisin

And now I want oatmeal raisin cookies and glass of cold milk. Like urgently. Like RIGHT NOW


bubdadigger t1_jda7no3 wrote

Just checked the local weather. Today's forecast - sunny. Thursday - showers Friday - showers Saturday - thunderstorms Sunday - sunny.

Every. God. Damn. Time.


Lint_baby_uvulla t1_jdbg5cx wrote

Will the ISS get good footage?

wait a sec will this impact the ISS astronauts?


SmokyDragonDish t1_jdb8p5k wrote

I drove from New Jersey to South Carolina to see the eclipse.

About 5 minutes before totality, this big-ass cumulus cloud covered the sun. At totality, the sun was completely covered. I could see the horizon all around, and it looked like sunset, but I couldn't see the sun.

Five minutes after totality, the cloud left.

I was soooo close...


Sly_Nation t1_jdc7mg5 wrote

Well hopefully you can get a shot at redemption here soon! The next total solar eclipse in the US will be next year in 2024 (march/april?). The next one after that will not occur until 20 years later in 2044 :|


ferocious-ferret t1_jdb9is3 wrote

I feel you. Rain forecasted Thursday thru Sunday.


serenidade t1_jdbhx1m wrote

There will be two total solar eclipses visible from swaths of the US soon: a "ring of fire" eclipse in Oct 2023, and one in April 2024 that will have a much longer totality than the eclipse in 2017.

I hope you & others in this thread who have been denied can make it to one of these, or get a different opportunity to see one someday. May your skies be randomly clear at the most opportune times.


I_Heart_Astronomy t1_jdav8b4 wrote

All the friends, family, and coworkers who know I'm into astronomy always say "are you looking forward to X?" when they hear something in the news, and I always say that there's a 95% chance it will be cloudy, so not really.

You know comet NEOWISE? Never had a single clear, moonless night when it was around. Not a single one. Most significant comet since Hale-Bopp and not a single clear night to see it at its peak. I got to see C/2022 E3 (ZTF) (the most recent notable comet) but it was nowhere near the brightness level that NEOWISE or Hale-Bopp reached. It was only just barely naked-eye. Because it was mediocre, it was clear. Had it been spectacular, it would have been cloudy.

I have been into amateur astronomy since I was a kid, and have NEVER witnessed a meteor shower at its peak time because of either the moon or clouds. That's 25 years of religiously observing the night sky and not ONCE have I had skies that were clear and moonless during the peak of a meteor shower.

So I just go out and observe when the conditions are good and I don't pay much attention to astronomical events.


ShelZuuz t1_jdb9q48 wrote

Just wait until you order new Astro equipment. The week while it ships you'll have perfectly clear skies.

The day it arrives - record cloudy days for 30 straight days - just enough to extend beyond your new equipment's return window.


me2 t1_jdbibii wrote

I felt the pain in your words.


HeroicPrinny t1_jdbx7aw wrote

It sounds like you live in a place that’s cloudy a lot.

I do too, but several hours drive to the other side of the mountains and its clear with dark skies. I was lucky to be on a road trip on that side during neowise and got some nice photos.


specialcommenter t1_jda4bfz wrote

Just checked my forecast, cloudy with 80% chances of rain but will definitely be full blown cloudy.


CostumingMom t1_jdafhj5 wrote

On top of that, I live in a fairly large city corridor, (Everett to Olympia, Washington), so even if there are clear skies, the local light pollution washes everything out.


Captain_Dunsel t1_jdaspex wrote

Bitter reminder of 1st grade. Teacher brought in a telescope. Every day after class, a student could take it home to view the stars in the night sky. When it was my turn, stormy rain that night :(


AddyKat719 t1_jdawgk4 wrote

Reminds me of elementary school when all the kids got to wear a crown on their birthdays and be treated special. I never got to wear that crown because my birthday was in July. Ugh sweet memories.


totoro27 t1_jdbj8wo wrote

Surely they should give you the telescope for another night in that case. Seems really unfair when you were clearly unable to use it.


Guvnuh_T_Boggs t1_jdblwae wrote


Reads article about some comet flying through the aurora while the Moon does card tricks

"Ooh, neat!"

Steps outside and looks up

"Oh right, I live in Washington state."


Blue05D t1_jdbebau wrote

Same. I live in Anchorage, Alaska, and every major event just happens to be on a cloudy day.


cylonfrakbbq t1_jdbmlol wrote

I was going to post the same thing. Every time there is an article along the lines of "omg this amazing cosmic event will be visible in X area!", it is always cloudy or overcast and you can't see a damned thing


Explore-PNW t1_jdbrqar wrote

It’s been beautiful out since I first heard about this solar event and I’m SURE the clouds and rain will come back by Friday night!


Greendragon00 t1_jdc1t97 wrote

My friend is currently in Iceland especially to see the aurora and so far it's been cloudy every night. Oof.


hedgecore77 t1_jdc76v6 wrote

Friday forecast: partly cloudy.

Yeah I bet I know which parts. :/


slurpurple t1_jdcicll wrote

As someone who loves inclement weather, I loathe the weatherman. You see, I live in a valley that gets passed over every time a storm front rolls through. The north and south of me will get on average 10-15 inches more snow and rainfall.


mikevago t1_jdcnpqu wrote

I'm just happy this is the top comment and not people quoting the "aurora borealis" meme from the Simpsons.


HailMaryPoppins t1_jdd5k7a wrote

Exactly life in the Puget Sound area of WA. It was clear skies yesterday but now clouds & rain for the foreseeable future. And it’ll likely be too cloudy to see all the planets lining up next week - I’m bummed.


creesto t1_jddi2q6 wrote

Central Ohio has entered the chat, laughing maniacally


arkonator92 t1_jd9vwz9 wrote

Don’t worry everyone I’m taking one for the team it’s supposed to be cloudy and rainy on Friday night we’re I live. I’m in the path of totality next year and I’d be willing to bet my life savings that it’s going to be cloudy in Cleveland on April 8th 2024.


Igotz80HDnImWinning t1_jdb478u wrote

Bruh, get yourself a high altitude balloon with a 360degree camera on it and stream the light show in VR. WCGW?


Kevin_IRL t1_jdbi22t wrote

I don't think I've ever seen a more detailed suggestion following "bruh"


bazookajt t1_jdbh5vx wrote

I've been planning for this eclipse ever since I drove from Pittsburgh to SC for the last one. I'm driving about as far, although more west this time. Sure, Erie or Cleveland are a few hours away, but it'll definitely be cloudy.


arkonator92 t1_jdcwfjo wrote

Usually the further you get from the lake the clouds break up. I’ll drive south towards Akron if I have to or west towards Toledo.


thisisinsider OP t1_jd8yzij wrote

TL;DR — from the article:

  • The Northern Lights could appear in the skies over some northern US states on Friday.
  • The lights could be dazzling thanks to solar winds blowing from a giant coronal hole on the sun.
  • The lights — known as aurora borealis — may be seen as far south as Washington and Michigan.

Stargazer_199 t1_jdb0go5 wrote

Do they mean dc or Washington state?


LeektheGeek t1_jdb3lgu wrote

Washington State. DC is only strictly referred to as Washington in movies and TV.


Stargazer_199 t1_jdb3pug wrote

Well, because of that, I have had to explain there are two separate places called Washington to people from other countries online


LeektheGeek t1_jdb4jm9 wrote

Wait till you have to explain how Arkansas and Kansas sound nothing alike. Gotta love ‘Merica!


charlytune t1_jdbr7h4 wrote

Brit here. It was only a couple of years ago that I realised, I think through a Reddit comment, that Arkansas = the 'Arkansaw' I'd heard mentioned in American TV and movies. I think everyone I've told is similarly surprised, I don't think anyone has said oh yeah I knew that.


mini-rubber-duck t1_jdbm9yy wrote

You can get t-shirts that read ‘washington not dc, vancouver not bc’


EugeneMeltsner t1_jdc4e5d wrote

For another layer, Vancouver, WA is in Clark County, which is also the name of the county that has Las Vegas, NV.


dagobertonius t1_jdbhhoc wrote

At least you do acknowledge that non-Americans use the Internet and even Reddit! Thank you for that!


fredbrightfrog t1_jdbuqfg wrote

There''s like 80 Washingtons around the US. We are not a creative bunch.


Artillect t1_jdc1u5p wrote

I've heard plenty of people on the East Coast refer to DC as just Washington, it's so annoying


LeektheGeek t1_jdd99nz wrote

Hm I’ve lived all up and down the east coast, only heard ppl refer to it as dc


ELL_YAY t1_jdb3me9 wrote

This is what I’m curious about too. I’m around DC and wanna know if it’s worth trying to look.


ffzero58 t1_jda1kiq wrote

Do they mean Friday very AM or late PM? I didn't see any specifics.


tram66 t1_jdabz6p wrote

Looks like Friday night. I found this, which is more helpful, I think.

Edit: Nope, looks like Thurs night into Friday for the US. See next comment


robotatomica t1_jda78ai wrote

Funny story, my friends had left my house super late one night and the next day they were awe-struck, describing having seen something inexplicable in the sky. Mind you, we were all atheist, but they were speaking so reverently it occurred to me they felt this was some sort of spiritual occurrence, almost like they had seen God.

I was a skeptic even then and kept asking more questions to get a better idea of what they’d seen and it became clear enough to me - “That sounds like you saw an Aurora.” They immediately shook their heads, and were insistent that couldn’t be what it was. After all, we live in the contiguous US where we basically never see them. I also didn’t think we got them down here, but it made more sense that one would anomalously occur than my buddies seeing God appear in waves of color over my house in the suburbs.

And what do you know, it was in the paper that we indeed had had the majesty of the Aurora visited upon us that night. They wouldn’t talk about it, and I never brought it up again after confirming - though I coulda strangled them for not knocking on my window to bring me outside to see it with them that night!


MacTechG4 t1_jdaoc4u wrote

And of course it’s going to be cloudy in my area….

CURSE YOU MOTHER NATURE! (And Perry the Platypus)

I was living in Vermont when there was a big display of Northern Lights (it was somewhere between 2003-2005, I don’t remember the exact date, but it was absolutely gorgeous (much like the linked picture)


JustAPerspective t1_jd9w78t wrote

"The bigger the display, the steeper the mark-up." - Rule of Acquisition #287, maybe

If the flashing lights are getting brighter, the beat may be about to drop.


SpectralMagic t1_jdafh5q wrote

Technically the sun is hotter that it ever has been, and will continue to heat up. Solar flares and other solar phenomenon will continue to be more common and more intense because it ramps up at a square exponent. Though the speed is on astronomical scales and we would never be able to detect a change within thousands of years apart(probably)


BirdsLikeSka t1_jdblwr6 wrote

So this'll become more and more frequent over my lifetime? I'm thinking about moving to Alaska in a few years anyways, maybe I retire there.


BirdsLikeSka t1_jdblua0 wrote

I was so lost trying to figure out how someone is profiting from this I hardly realized you meant we should be worried about the sun.

Well, someone should be worried about the sun. I'm not in science. It'll either not blow up or I won't have to worry about it for long.


JustAPerspective t1_jdbn197 wrote

Worrying about the sun is to expend energy over something one has zero control over - that sounds pretty crazy.


BirdsLikeSka t1_jdbnwcj wrote

I mean I'm sure there's people out there who devote years of study and work to worrying about the sun. I'm not one of them. I confess, I do expend energy over things I can't control, but I try to control that.


JustAPerspective t1_jdbosmo wrote

>I confess, I do expend energy over things I can't control, but I try to control that.

Same - the reminders to the selves are constant, and necessary. Still, what we practice, we improve at.


TheRageDragon t1_jdaij4y wrote

As I check the weather for Friday, of course it's fucking raining that day.


christmas__rose t1_jdb3jz2 wrote

Can someone explain to me please how we can know in advance that something like this will happen? Does the solar wind move much more slowly than light?


sand_eater t1_jdb6t8z wrote

Yeah, and it's just an estimation based on past solar wind velocities, it can be faster or slower by 50%ish for ejections like this


The_One_With_A_Hat t1_jdb1ydk wrote

Has anyone got any information on when/how to best view this from Australia (Victoria)?. Most of the links and resources seem to be associated with people up north!


sand_eater t1_jdb7dm4 wrote

You're a bit too North and I think you'd want to wait for a G3 storm or higher. Everything else applies the same as for the northern hemisphere except the time zones. Clear night, low light pollution, etc.


qleptt t1_jdb53y0 wrote

Every single time WVERY TIME something like this happens it’s always in shit weather like it’s supposed to be on Friday where you cant see the sky at all at night


NiineTailedFox t1_jdendb8 wrote

considering the sun is becoming more active (peaking in 2024) there might be more solar storms coming


mad_savant t1_jdb6cbn wrote

So... Read: big solar flare incoming

Got it i hope this wouldnt be a big disruption to our grid and networks.


FrozenToonies t1_jdbkf36 wrote

Cloudy sky in the pacific north west every f’ing time this happens. I’m glad I’ve seen my share of northern light shows when I was young but it’s been 20 years since I’ve seen them.


Free_Price3574 t1_jdbs688 wrote

As someone who lives in northern Sweden - the northern lights are truly something spectacular to witness. It’s become common enough for me to see them now that I’ve lived up here over the winter but I remember the first time I saw them. I was standing almost hypnotised outside in a t shirt in like -10 Celsius just staring. It’s magnificent.


evilbunnyofdoom t1_jdefsxw wrote

We just got hit with these here in Finnish Lappland, very cool how they started with blue colors. Having worked previously in Kiruna, i agree you get used to them fast, but they are always beautiful


WonderWriter24 t1_jdb0rse wrote

Well this year’s birthday got so much more interesting!


Trauma-Dolll t1_jdbzz9a wrote

I think the last time I saw the northern lights in NNY was back in 2000 or 2001. It would be nice to see them again.


mellifluousbeats t1_jdd0vxc wrote

"Not the best of timing for aurora sky watchers across northern Europe and North America, however a moderate (G2) geomagnetic storm is currently in progress. A watch for Strong (G3) conditions has been added. The Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been tipped south, a condition known to fuel geomagnetic conditions around the polar zones."



SamohtGnir t1_jddtyml wrote

Fingers crossed for clear skys! Currently "partially cloudy" :/


DanimalEClarke t1_jdam4cn wrote

Not any more north than the American boarder for some reason? Weird


BirdsLikeSka t1_jdblz9j wrote

Didn't finish the damn passport paperwork, wife is gonna kill him over this.


zzulus t1_jdbk6qq wrote

I told you a couple days ago that this would happen


saman65 t1_jdbn42c wrote

Shit shit shit thank you sooo much for sharing this. It seems there is a tiny chance we will see it in lower mainland BC. Was planning to trip my balls on April 2nd but might have to do it this weekend if there is a chance I could see some Aurora again this time tripping!


Sheepish_conundrum t1_jdc9xzy wrote

so friday like after midnight tonite or friday friday?


cascade_olympus t1_jdefoy1 wrote

KP projected to be 6s both friday and saturday night. Projected 4 tonight. So, tomorrow night and saturday night are the heavy hitters.

>Source: Am Alaskan with KP index feed on my phone's home page.


T_Funky t1_jdg3sqi wrote

Just came back inside and you can sort of see them in Montana, light pollution is pretty brutal where I’m at but the sky to the north definitely looks a little more green than the rest of the sky! Excited for the chance that it’s better tomorrow, I’ve actually never seen them in person!


LoverboyQQ t1_jdchc54 wrote

If you own an amateur radio unplug it!!! Hams pay attention


neomathist t1_jdgemqs wrote

Looks like a great show exceeding expectations has already started tonight. Take a look if you can


HelifaX1337 t1_jdgr0y6 wrote

I hope so. Im on a Norwegian Cruise right now! I allready saw some Northern lights.


ogobeone t1_jdn5upm wrote

I didn't see a thing in Washington State. It was raining as usual.


Treczoks t1_jdbrv2m wrote

As long as it's just northern lights and not burnt-out satellites and electronics, I'm fine.


MOONDAYHYPE t1_jdammet wrote

The magnetic field is weakening due to the core slowing down


mabirm t1_jdcmc2d wrote

It's nothing to be alarmed by, though. It does this roughly every 70 years. We're pretty sure the core has already paused. It'll start spinning in the other direction soon enough.


MrCW64 t1_jdc7xzu wrote


The northern lights is an effect of the suns radiation penetrating the atmosphere. The assertion of it being blown by the wind gives the false impression that the wind on the Earth is blowing the lights. This is not the case.

The reason the northern lights are reaching further towards the equator is because the Earth's magnetic field is weakening and the solar emissions are able to effect the Earth to a greater degree.


neomathist t1_jdgejrb wrote

Start by researching the "solar wind". Hint: despite it's name, it has nothing to do with actual wind