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Ill-Video840 t1_j9jm9iv wrote

Its so big.. im scared of it.. im so tiny to everything


deebmaster t1_j9jydy1 wrote

and the craziest part is how massive you are to not only your cells, but the proteins within them and the amino acids which make them up and the atoms which make them up and the subatomic particles which comprise those. The scale of matter is terrifying.


p00Pie_dingleBerry t1_j9jy30s wrote

I dunno man there are some things that are pretty frikkin small…


bewarethes0ckm0nster t1_j9jyt3g wrote

But there is a finite amount of smallness before things get to be as small as it is possible to be. I watched a documentary on infinity and it did I’m whether infinity is large or small, but I also watched a documentary on the theory that we are all just existing inside a simulation and that claimed that we have discovered the finite amount of smallness that makes up everything, essentially our “pixels” and that it just simply doesn’t get any smaller then that. So the conclusion I have drawn is that things get much infinitely bigger than they can get finitely smaller.


p00Pie_dingleBerry t1_j9k1kow wrote

There is a fascinating Radiolab about this topic that you should check out. It’s called The Middle of Everything, and it discusses what the “middle” size is for everything in the universe.


Ill-Video840 t1_j9jz929 wrote

Can you link the videos please?


Andromeda321 t1_j9jzixd wrote

For what it’s worth, we are small, but we are still a part of it all! I just always find it so exciting and wonderful to be part of a universe filled with such a grand scale of incredible things, and to be able to see and try to comprehend it. After all, despite all that vastness and looking we are still the only part of the universe we know of capable of looking back, and IMO that makes us pretty special. :)