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Mother-Wasabi-3088 t1_j7hms9q wrote

Nuclear power will never be safe and it's unnecessary. We can easily power the entire world with solar.


Disastrous_Elk_6375 t1_j7hvc22 wrote

> Nuclear power will never be safe

Mmmhhmm. We've had extremely safe, sufficiently compact and mobile nuclear power since the 50s. We know they're safe because navy personnel on nuclear subs / ships have lived long healthy lives. In fact, the commander of the first US nuclear sub (commissioned in 1954) went on to also command the first nuclear ship. He got to live 94 years!


SwerdnaJack t1_j7hou5n wrote

But the sheer weight of solar panels on a rocket make it unusable.


GlockAF t1_j7hzltp wrote

False, at current energy use levels.

Potentially possible, if we have massive crash-course investment in transmission, infrastructure and a corresponding (and profoundly improbable) society-wide massive decrease in the average per-capita energy consumption of western countries.

In other words, not possible