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CardboardSoyuz t1_jaa2by2 wrote

I agree Callisto has promise but the delta-V to get to the surface of Callisto from LEO is like 28 kps, and the delta V to get to the surface of Mars is about 10 kps and Callisto is no help with the aerobraking.


Shrike99 t1_jabbz5s wrote

Where'd you get 28km/s?

My handy dandy Delta-V map says LEO to Callisto's surface is only ~14.2km/s. I know Delta-V maps aren't super accurate but I find it hard to believe it's that wrong.

For reference, the map also puts LEO to Mars surface at 9.5km/s, which is within a reasonable margin of error of 10km/s.


Reddit-runner t1_jacl8ss wrote

>the map also puts LEO to Mars surface at 9.5km/s,

And that's only if you pretend aerobraking doesn't exist.

With aerobraking it's only 5km/s max. Including landing.