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PoppersOfCorn t1_j94omio wrote

>Sent from my iPhone

This part ruined it for me, I was all onboard till I read this


gt0075b t1_j94plm5 wrote

It's a higher dimensional black hole. Three dimensions are not affected (x,y,z), one is continuously pulled in one direction (time), and several others have been crushed or curled up into virtually nothingness. That is why we can't find the missing dimensions of M theory.

<takes another toke>


[deleted] t1_j94ohbq wrote



TheFAPnetwork t1_j94p8st wrote

Maybe singularity are mountains along the horizon


hahsire t1_j94qbzk wrote

Maybe it's the friends we made along the way


The_Fredrik t1_j94q6mn wrote

Maybe singularities are the friends we make along the way


SpartanJack17 t1_j94q6lw wrote

Hello u/Lilweedoholic, your submission "Are we living inside a black hole?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.