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iamawesome4 t1_j52qkw3 wrote

Honestly I wish I could use it to write my contact notes for me. I’m a mental health worker and I believe writing down what happened takes away from time that could be helping the person. Of course HIPAA gets in the way of using chatGPT plus most of the time I’m in places where I don’t have access to wifi while working.

I can ask how to approach a situation vaguely when I’m not working. For example, “what are somethings I can do if I a grieving the death of a loved one but their is a disagreement in the family about what to do about the funeral.” And it will generate some ideas. I have tried showing some of my clients how to use it especially for decision making but they didn’t seem that interested or have difficulties reading and understanding the somewhat complex language. Of course chatGPT can’t really recommend support groups in our area or something.

For grad school it saves my life. While I still read the text I have to read, it will make notes for me so I can refer to the readings easier. It will also explain some concepts in a different way that helps me understand. I also will give basically everything I want to put in a paragraph or two and it will write it for me. That is always the hardest part for me is putting what is in my head into a neat post (this is why this comment is long af because I am currently not using chatGPT). It saves me hours of work as I used to just rewrite my assignments 10 billion times and turn it in late as a result of my perfectionist procrastination.


zendogsit OP t1_j52wi2v wrote

Amazing answer, thanks so much.

I can definitely appreciate the intersection between this incredibly empowering tool and someone having a really difficult time who might just want to be heard, a tricky thing to navigate, respect for being in that field.

What kinds of things are you required to keep in your contact notes?


iamawesome4 t1_j52x6vt wrote

Mainly a summary of what we were on, why they wanted to work on it, and the results, along with where I met them or if I transported them places. The way my company set up the app is kind of annoying though. You have to pick an activity that fits within what they want to work in and there are hundreds of activities. Sometimes I wish I could start typing what we worked on and then it would pull up the right activity.


zendogsit OP t1_j52yl4y wrote

The company side is annoying to use! Classic.

I'm sure you already see the template prompt for notes of that style you could use

Just free associate to your phones mic, throw down all your thoughts post meeting and GPT orders it nicely for you. More time for presence! More time to focus on the client!


iamawesome4 t1_j52yvpv wrote

I wish I could do that but I need the signature of the client before I leave. Sometimes it does get sent to corrections where you can correct it with a supervisor. Part of me wants to become one just so I can correct my own notes lol