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MassiveIndependence8 t1_j3sgcff wrote

Aging allows such vulnerability to take place. A person getting stabbed and you’re so adamant in removing the knife as opposed to the murderer. Aging is not like puberty, puberty is by design and aging is part of nature’s limitation. Playing the semantic game as opposed to looking at the functional relation between objects is just stupid. Whether we categorize it as a disease or not is not important, the fact remains that people are better off without it and it’s the shortest and the most straightforward solution to longevity. You’re not very bright are you.


a4mula t1_j3sgtw5 wrote

Aging also allows for us to exist.

You cannot exist without aging.

It's not the problem.

The problem is that there are biological (and mechanical, teeth, broken bones, a fucking safe landing on your head) processes that tend to be activated as we age.

Solve those.


MassiveIndependence8 t1_j3sh5jl wrote

> Aging also allows for us to exist.


> You cannot exist without aging.


> It's not the problem.

And wrong, nice try.


a4mula t1_j3shs1x wrote

At this point, I'm just going to ignore you. I'm tempted to block you as a user entirely. I've never done that in my entire history here, hell I'd have to look it up, and I'm fucking lazy. But I'm tempted to.

Because you show more willful ignorance than any human I've ever interacted with on this site, and that number has to be at least in the tens of thousands at this point. Maybe more.


MassiveIndependence8 t1_j3sm248 wrote

Sure, I’M the one who’s willfully ignorant. Keep on living in your own bubble buddy, clearly no one agrees with you.


a4mula t1_j3smfw7 wrote

It's not that, you were just too quick to find the first thread you could tug on.

Your laziness and unwillingness to think for yourself got the right one though.

Because with my threads come logic, rational, and someone that can not only outthink you by large margins but has the word skills to made it obvious to all.

You can keep tugging, or maybe you should read a little more and find out just what the fuck it is I'm saying, why I'm saying it, and what happens to others if they don't take the easy route to it.


MassiveIndependence8 t1_j3stfka wrote

Here r/iamverysmart go back where you came from. You can throw some of your brainless pseudo-intellectual argument over there instead.


a4mula t1_j3stotx wrote

lol. Look around friend. This aint world news. If you're not bright, why are you here?


MassiveIndependence8 t1_j3sttff wrote

Oh I am, you’re just too stupid to understand.


a4mula t1_j3sudzv wrote

Let's start the process. Shall we. It's almost like surgery, but don't worry, I'm gifted with cutting.

You're bright? That's your claim? Because there aren't too many bright folks slumming in subs whose only goal is to mock logic and rationale.

That's not the way being bright works. So, is there anything else you've brought to the table, because bath water warm threats of exposing my intelligence?

They don't bother me.

edit: Are you that vacuous that it takes an hour to establish the merit of your claim? If so, that's alright take all the time you need. I'll pick it back up next time I'm around. That's the beauty of Reddit, it works on my time schedule.