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tatleoat t1_j5kh284 wrote

Transitioning from an AI that only responds to prompt stimulus, to an AI that can take initiative of its own accord. That might still turn out to be surprisingly hard


QLaHPD t1_j5l9v0g wrote

An AI that only responds to prompts and an AI that has " will of its own" are the same thing. If you train a model to mimic the behaivor of a dog, for a outside observer it will look like it has developed some kind of initiative. The human behaivor can be expressed as a sequence of tokens, thus, you can train a model to predict the next action given context.


tatleoat t1_j5lal05 wrote

Yeah I totally agree, I don't really believe we won't have AGI until after 2029 but it was the only counter example I could think of