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GayHitIer t1_j67v7iq wrote

I haven't read any of his books, but I have heard ending aging by Aubrey De Grey is pretty good.

And yeah I mean I don't belive in a perfect utopia, but it can get much better than now in my opinion.

I just want to see what happens honestly like a roller-coaster ride I want to see what happens tomorrow.


Alex_1729 t1_j67vm1a wrote

Me too. I wish we enter the age of implants soon. I really want one to help me speed up things and access more memory, but it will take time to test these, and complications may arise in the beginning. By the time it's safe to use I'll be an old man. So I try not to hope for anything, but live with what I have. But yeah, I'm hopeful for the next generation.

As far as aging, I've been taking care of myself well enough and it's no guarantee AGI will fix that. Then again, I may simply not know enough about this subject. In any case, thanks for sharing.