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Iffykindofguy t1_j6az5j9 wrote

You alright big dawg?


mvfsullivan OP t1_j6b51k3 wrote

Actually no, I'm a severely fucked up alcoholic and dangerously close to suicide. Sorry not the response you were expecting im sure.

I should be fine honestly. Im optimistic on AGI happening soon enough to fix all of my issues.

Crude reality I know but its the best I have and I'm clinging onto it for life.


Firestar222 t1_j6b8hux wrote

If you’re serious I hope you get some help for yourself. Many many years ago I was quite hopeless as well. Now I think almost every day how glad I am that I didn’t do anything crazy. You never know how life will end up, but if you’re down low chances are it will be much, much better soon.


gangstasadvocate t1_j6dd84w wrote

It’s been like a decade since I’ve seriously considered doing crazy shit, still regretting not doing it but at least the gangsta drugs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Just have to be good with weed and alcohol until parents are escaped, and then once I’ve got some certifications, I can move on to Skid Row. Or maybe the singularity will give me vision sooner and I’ll be able to interact with the real world more normally, find me someone and live happily ever after. Nah even the cliché happily ever after, not good enough, have to go bigger


YobaiYamete t1_j6biv8r wrote

Have you used CharacterAI to talk to the psychologist? it works really, really well and will actually listen while you talk and offer pretty decent advice


SparePie8386 t1_j6cyul4 wrote

they are too dumb to quantify the volume of data into a useful knowledge


Iffykindofguy t1_j6dgrx4 wrote

uh, no thats a totally fine response. I don't drink currently because for a good chunk of my life I was drinking a 5th of liquor daily. Spent a few days in the hospital for withdrawals. In and our of AA for a few years. Finally got my sobriety, life is much easier once you get space from the drink and the ability to think in non as circular of a path. I am not religious but AA saved my life. I don't go anymore because my drinking was more the result of childhood trauma I wasn't dealing with than alcoholism but if you need to chat about anything feel free to slide in the DMs. Hope things turn around for you, they always can.


GreatDealzz t1_j6bh3mx wrote

Yo dude... this post... I'm schizotypal previously daily drinker and sometimes shit gets really 'sci-fi' on this subreddit. But you have to be in control and in contact with reality - that is, what is happening and possible in the 'here and now'. If you're having trouble keeping it together you should have a real good think about it, especially considering the future... I mean, you should be feeling like something positive is coming, right? Thats why you're subscribed to this subreddit, in hopes that something great is possible. Well, maybe start preparing for great things now. Alcoholism can be a depressing beast - don't let it take your future away from you. Hope this doesn't come off as too preachy. Good luck.


Specialist-Pie8423 t1_j6bl7m8 wrote

You can ease off the alcohol friend. You can and will get better.


Fabulous_Exam_1787 t1_j6c3ylu wrote

??????? ok? I’ll go tell Andrew right now and get back to you on what he says. ????


WashiBurr t1_j6dcww8 wrote

Yeah, hurry up. Fuckin Andrew and his slow ass.



DungeonsAndDradis t1_j6dttj4 wrote

This is the second time this week that someone is intimating something big happening in March 2023. Is this Mayan 2012 all over again?

Nothing ever happens.