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PandaCommando69 t1_j5i3o5n wrote

The AI drug revolution is going to be amazing. Eventually there should be no disease we cannot cure, and death will become optional.


e987654 t1_j5ipg1q wrote

lol, let AI cure one thing first


tatleoat t1_j5jgcih wrote

It made the moderna covid vaccine in 3 days


civilrunner t1_j5k6h9s wrote

I'm not sure that was AI. They sequenced the genome of COVID rather quickly, which is a rather small genome. They then picked a protein target and grabbed the RNA for it and then threw that into their mRNA vaccine system that was already developed. I don't think they used much AI in that process.


tatleoat t1_j5k7jy2 wrote

It did the protein folding


duffmanhb t1_j5ksrpu wrote

It’s wild how a decade ago protein folding was an insane problem to solve. People were waiting together cloud super computers just to solve a single protein. Then 2 years ago Google releases a program that can do any and all folding almost instantly.